This week Brandon and I celebrated our 13-month anniversary. We try do something every 23rd day even if its something small. Brandon sure outdid himself this time. I came home exhausted and found this on the door:
In case you can't tell what it is, its a Halloween decoration for the door. I have already admitted once that i LOVE holiday decorations, but I thought it was so thoughtful of him. We had seen it a few weeks ago and I told him I thought it was cute. He remembered that I liked it and the thoughtfulness was what I loved the most.
Then I walked into the kitchen and found this:
We have had so much fun being together lately. I am so glad I married him. He is so thoughtful and I know would do anything for me. This was us last night after ordering delivery pizza for the first time in our marriage. It was a big night! And our whole order only cost $5! Can't beat that for 2 pizzas and a cinnapie.
Wow Brandon, I'll definitely be showing Dean this post. He could take a few pointers! ;) And man pizza sounds SO good right now. How did you get it SO cheap!?
you guys are so cute! pretty soon we will have a michaels only 3 blocks away...maybe then i can start being all cute and crafty like you mel...btw, way to go brandon!
It is fun to see how you guys are always doing sweet things for eachother! It is a good reminder to me because Jon and I use to do those sort of things all the time when we were first married but now that life is a bit crazier with two little kids we don't do them as often. It is nice to be remined about how important it is to keep romancing your spouse. You two are adorable. Love you always!
How did you get Papa Johns for so cheap? That is awesome!
I'm glad u married him too, he's a lot like Jared, huh???
Love ya!
How fun you guys! I barely remember that card. Lots of fun posts Melissa!
Oh how fun! You're so cute! By the way- how in the heck did you get all that for 5 bucks?!
when is the annual spudnut party?
Nate's going to do the Haka for it!
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