She was known for having a secret stash of m &ms, taking meals to people, celebrating birthdays and holidays to the fullest, being spontaneous, staying up late with us to play games or have sleepovers in the family room, bargain shopping, leaving notes and treats on our pillows, helping in our classrooms, our watching one of the many hundreds of soccer games/track meets.
Something Brandon and I will be doing tonight is here.
In her honor, I decided to try my hand at bargain shopping. She always found the greatest deals and loved sharing them with others. So here I am, telling you that you can find some amazing deals at Smith's this week!! I got all of this:
- 5 lbs. flour
- 3 lbs. hamburger
- Ritz munchables
- 4 bottles Classico pasta sauce
- 2 bottles Apple Juice
- 8 Powerades
- 2 Healthy Harvest pastas
- 1 lb. butter
- 6 lbs. pasta
- bananas
- 2 Toblerones
The total should have been over $60.
Thanks Mom for teaching me how to do it. I only wish you could be here so I would have a shopping partner.
xoxo. love you forever.
That is just so sweet. I loved your mom. She was so much fun a girls camp.
She sounds just like you. What a wonderful woman she must have been to raise such a great family!
Your Mom is an amazing woman! I say IS because she's definitely still alive on the other side, and she still lives on through all of you here on earth! She was able to stay here long enough to teach each of you how to be just as great as she was! You buy far are one of the most festive, spontaneous, fun-loving people I know...and you can find a deal like know one I know! I'm so glad I knew her, and SO glad I know you! Hope you enjoyed her birthday! Love you!
I know you miss your mom, but I totally miss her too. SHe was always the life of the party, she was the party!
What a sweet post Melissa. I bet your Mom is so proud of you. You are one super talented and amazing girl. Happy Birthday to your Mom!
What a great tribute to your mother. She is missed.
I never knew your mom but I can tell she was an amazing woman because all of you are so amazing too! I think you need to teach me how to get such great deals. I've tried but I just don't have the talent for it I guess. I did find the $0.25 Powerade at Smith's yesterday though and was happy about that.
Sweet Aunt Marilyn! Thanks for sharing this with us! She will always be in my heart and I will always treasure the memories with her! I love you all lots!
*from Aunt Sherol*
Dear Sweet Melissa,
How I enjoy your sweet thoughts about your mom. She was an amazing sister and friend. I too thought of her on her birthday as we were only four years apart.
She loved bargains just like I do. And she loved life. What an amazing example she was to me. I miss her dearly and will always cherish the many wonderful memories I had with her.
Thanks for being such a sweet niece and friend.
I love you.
Aunt Sherol and Uncle Bob.
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